Super-Resolution Time-Resolved Imaging Using Computational Sensor Fusion
Clara Callenberg, Ashley Lyons, Dennis den Brok, Areeba Fatima, Alejandro Turpin, Vytautas Zickus, Laura M. Machesky, Jamie A. Whitelaw, Daniele Faccio, Matthias B. HullinScientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) 11, 1689 (2021),, 2021.

Low-Cost SPAD Sensing for Non-Line-Of-Sight Tracking, Material Classification and Depth Imaging
Clara Callenberg, Zheng Shi, Felix Heide, Matthias B. HullinACM Transactions on Graphics 40 (4), Article 61 (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2021), 2021.

Non-Line-of-Sight Reconstruction using Efficient Transient Rendering
Julian Iseringhausen, Matthias B. HullinACM Transactions on Graphics 39 (1), 2020.

In this paper, we present an efficient renderer for three-bounce indirect transient light transport, and use it to reconstruct objects around corners to unprecedented accuracy.
Computational Parquetry: Fabricated Style Transfer with Wood Pixels
Julian Iseringhausen, Michael Weinmann, Weizhen Huang, Matthias B. HullinACM Transactions on Graphics 39 (2), 2020.

A new computational woodworking technique enabled by analysis of features found in natural materials.
Deep Non-Line-of-Sight Reconstruction
Javier Grau Chopite, Matthias B. Hullin, Michael Wand, Julian IseringhausenProc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2020.

The first deep-learning framework for reconstructing object shapes around a corner.
4D Imaging through Spray-On Optics
Julian Iseringhausen, Bastian Goldlücke, Nina Pesheva, Stanimir Iliev, Alexander Wender, Martin Fuchs, Matthias B. HullinACM Transactions on Graphics 36(4) (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 35:1--35:11, 2017.

Raindrops on a window heavily distort the view of the scene. We show that a fully calibrated 4D light field can be recovered from a single photograph taken under such adverse conditions.
Snapshot Difference Imaging using Correlation Time-of-Flight Sensors
Clara Callenberg, Felix Heide, Gordon Wetzstein, Matthias HullinACM Transactions on Graphics 36(6) (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), 220:1--220:10, 2017.

Computation of image differences is a key operation in computational imaging. We use time-of-flight sensors to perform this operation in a single shot, and discover some remarkable features.
Doppler Time-of-Flight Imaging
Felix Heide, Wolfgang Heidrich, Matthias B. Hullin, Gordon WetzsteinACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 34 (4), 2015.

A new computational imaging system that captures metric radial velocity information per pixel -- think of a huge array of traffic speed guns that use light instead of radar.
Low-Budget Transient Imaging using Photonic Mixer Devices
Felix Heide*, Matthias B. Hullin*, James Gregson, Wolfgang Heidrich (* joint first authors)ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 32 (4), 2013.

A computational method for capturing videos of light in flight using consumer-grade imaging hardware.